Lord Longford: An Authorised Life
‘Affectionate and intelligent' Ben Pimlott: Guardian
‘To his credit…Stanford does nothing to try an fluff the many reasons why even the saintliest reader might find Lord Longford’s continual parade of conscience irksome’ Valentine Cunningham: The Observer
‘Admirable as is Mr Stanford’s work, the best biography of Lord Longford is Cervantes’ Don Quixote. He is a noble tilter at windmills…Stanford has written a valuable footnote to Cervantes’ Judge Stephen Tumin: Sunday Express
‘sympathetically handled…particularly interesting on Longford’s political career and his role as architect of the modern welfare state’ Evening Standard
A biography of the seventh Earl of Longford (1904-2001), Anglo-Irish peer, convert to Catholicism, socialism and Irish nationalism, who served as a minister under Clement Attlee (1945-1951) and as a member of Harold Wilson's cabinet (1964-1968), but was best known for his lifelong crusade for prison reform, which culminated in his unsuccessful campaign to win parole for the Moors Murderess, Myra Hindley.
Published in London by Heinemann in March 1994 ISBN: UK hardback 0-434-73516-7; UK paperback 0-7493-1377-3
“So well-balanced that it may be little to Longford's taste”
– Bevis Hillier, Spectator